The cup with orgonite is designed to energize and harmonize water and other beverages containing water. During its creation we combine several elements that can positively affect biological benefits of water.
It's Fibonacci's sequence or the Golden Section. This spatial principle is the real "principle of life" and can be found out in the shapes of plants and animals.


The Golden Section is hidden in cascading steps of the inner shape of the cup, especially visible in the ice cup. The cups with natural stones have their Golden Section partially hidden behind the stone wall.



Orgonite in the bottom of the cups complements crystals, amethysts and rose quartz. As a result, the cup is not only an effective way of water harmonization but also a beautiful hand-made design accessory. V dolní části je umístěn harmonizační symbol - protínající se ležaté osmičky v kruhu. Ležatá osmička vyjadřuje nekonečno a symbolizuje harmonické přechody od jangové k jinové energii. Kruh je symbolem jednoty, celistvosti, dokonalosti a zároveň zobrazuje Slunce - zdroj životní energie na Zemi. Vitalizační poháry ViaHuman jsou vyrobeny ze speciálního borosilikátového skla.

In addition to the influence on water, our carafes are a beautiful proof of Czech glassmakers´ craftsmanship (ViaHuman - Czech Republic - European Union). Together with orgonite it creates an original, completely hand-crafted artefact.




Vitalizaion cups

  • This design cup is made to harmonize water and other beverages.
  • The cup volume is 0.3 litres, it is designed as double-walled and it is hot water resistant.
  • Water from the cup has delicate sweetish taste, the taste of wine is perceived as smoother.
  • Drinks in the cup are harmonized by the Golden Section in the inner shape of the cup.
  • The cup name is associated with type of stones that are placed in the interspace - crystal, rose quartz, amethyst.
  • At the bottom of the cup there are stones of seven basic body chakras and a harmonizing symbol.

Harmonization and vitalization of water

Harmonization of water can be understood as the interconnection of three basic axioms

water is the source of life                water has a memory                man is water

By harmonizing or energizing of water we understand process that aim to bring structure and biological benefit of tap water to the level of natural spring water.

We were inspired by the visionary ideas of Viktor Schauberger and unique method discovered by Masaru Emoto. Cycloidal centripetal movement of water in combination with vibration of positive information is the main essence of the process that we call harmonization of water.

ViaHuman - water as a cure

The first product we've created is a rotary flowing water vitalizer known as a harmonizer. This device combines several other effects in addition to stones, which in result increase the biological utility of drinking water. The development of glass elements of the harmonizer revealed the beauty of handmade glass production and the possibilities created by connecting this material with stones, colours and symbolism.

Later, we started to make carafes, paperweights and candleholders - as inspiration has come.

The word "design" for us means a beautiful thing which, apart from appearance, actually serves the purpose for which it was created. We create design things that make everyday human journey more relaxed, calmer and more cheerful.

Each product ViaHuman contains a piece of our creativity, energy and wish to help with respect to the user ́s personality.

Golden Section, energy of colours and effect of stones

The use of stones as protective amulets has been known since ancient times. In ViaHuman products the structure of their crystalline lattice, together with colour effects according to colour therapy, is combined with the effect of the Golden Section. That is the real "principle of life" encoded in the shape of both carafes and cups. All these effects then have a harmonizing effect on water

How colours and stones work in our products

RED - colour of courage and assertiveness. Red jasper brings health and strength and removes harmful substances from the circulatory system, blood and liver.

ORGANGE - the colour of vitality, joy and playfulness. Carnelian stabilizes energy, restores vitality, brings a positive attitude to life, motivates for success.

YELLOW - colour of light, freshness, joy, increases cheerful mood and supports thinking. Tiger ́s eyeis a protective stone. It prevents evil thoughts, heals the eye, throat and reproductive organs and helps in the treatment of fractures.

PINK - Pink colour is love, affection, tenderness, softness, devotion, promotes warmth, sensitivity and friendship. Rose Quartz is a colour variation of quartz and is often called the stone of heart. It cleanses and opens heart on all levels, brings healing and love to itself. It has a soothing and relaxing effect.

GREEN - it refreshes, regenerates and supports the body's immunity. Stone Aventurine protects against geopathogenic zones, connects the mind and emotion and supports perception. It also calms heart pain, reduces thyroid problems, heart problems, treats muscular system and relieves skin problems.

TURQUOISE - it combines the effect of blue and green colours. Turquoise is a healing crystal regenerating tissue, positively acting on gout, rheumatism and stomach discomfort. As for the spiritual life it gives strength, helps with depression and fear.

BLUE - raises calming feelings, brings physical and mental balance and reduces fear. Stone Sodalite develops the mind, increases self-esteem. It acts as a cleansing of the lymphatic system.• VIOLET - it is perceived as spiritual colour; it is the colour of humility, forgiveness and modesty. Amethystis a stone with a protective force. It has healing and cleansing abilities, it calms, removes fear and anger. It relieves headaches and cures insomnia

WHITE-CLEAR - contains the entire colour spectrum. Its action is therefore holistic and universal. It works at the level where the problem occurs. Quartz-crystal is the most effective healing crystal and the strongest power amplifier thanks to its unique spiral crystalline form. It removes imbalance and can be used to solve any problem.

Golden Section, energy of colours and effect of stones. The use of stones as protective amulets has been known since ancient times. In ViaHuman products the structure of their crystalline lattice, together with colour effects according to colour therapy, is combined with the effect of the Golden Section. That is the real "principle of life" encoded in the shape of both carafes and cups. All these effects then have a harmonizing effect on water.